
前CAE (Comprehensive Analytic Engineering ) , Inc. 今美-中公司连合
10% commission world-wide to any entity who introduces Vendor's services to a client.

This is the 1st PID in a set as indicated below:
(a) Promotional Sale Discount Price Factor, which is to be under periodic basis,
(b) Regular Price Factor,
(c) PID (Service/Program ID); a 3-digit number to identify as part of your Order,
(d) Service/Program Name.

   (a)      (b)         (c)                 (d)
- 0.70 - 0.50 ---- 100 -- 0) STRUDL --------------------- SALE -----?>

If you are a first time client, Vendor offers you to pick 2nd PID = 203 to complete the Order. Thank You for your patronage.

- 0.70 - 0.50 ---- 100 -- 0) STRUDL
- 1.00 - 1.00 ---- 101 -- 1) Hyper STRUDL (USP)
- 1.00 - 1.00 ---- 102 -- 2) USPDESI
- 1.00 - 1.00 ---- 103 -- 3) Super ETABS
- 1.00 - 1.00 ---- 104 -- 4) Super SAP
- 1.00 - 0.30 ---- 105 -- 5) Dam/Wall Stability
- 1.00 - 0.05 ---- 106 -- 6) CaeUtil
- 1.00 - 3.50 ---- 107 -- 7) ALL WAN-WAN ABOVE
- 1.00 - 1.00 ---- 108 -- 8) PrePre1
- 1.00 - 0.60 ---- 109 -- 9) PrePre2
- 1.00 - 1.30 ---- 110 -- 10) PrePre1+PrePre2

To pay for ONE order of the available Services/Programs is explained as follows:
To complete an Order you need to have a pair of PIDs. Each PID has 3 numerical digits.
The 1st PID in a set refers to each Service/Program Name in Column (d). You can order as many items as you need.
The 2nd PID in a set refers to: 2) how long, 3) how many and 4) how much you need Services/Programs.
They are indicated separately as shown across Task Bar. However, You can order ONLY one item out of all items.
Thus, you must make another separate order if you need another item from them. (You can browse to see the PID of them.)
You determine the price as Factors from the 1st PID multiplied by a single Factor from the 2nd PID.
As for the Factors, the 1st PID has TWO multiplication numbers: namely (a) x (b); and 2nd PID; ONE explicit number. (You may have to pay tax additionally if required.)
If the price at the time of your order is zero, it means that the Service/Program is unavailable at that particular time.
However, there is an exception when you are a user of academic or non-profit institution.

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